Thursday, December 31

2010 ♥

W E L C O M E 2 0 1 0 ♥ ♥


happy new year everybody yeaaaaaaaah!
with good and every good from you

there was so much things that happened in 2009.
when love comes and goes. when love made you happy and sad. when friends become so much love.

and when you should be better but you couldn't.

then, so many resolution and best wishes from me for 2010:

1. semoga kuliah lancar, jadi lebih rajin, berprestasi, dan ga nakal lagi (amin)
2. semoga ga ada lagi orang yang hilang dalam hidup gue (amin)
3. semoga gue ga pernah lagi mengecewakan orang lain, orang tua, teman, sahabat, atapun pacar nantinya
4. semoga orang orang yang pernah merasa gue kecewain selalu buka hatinya untuk memaafkan gue (amin)
5. semoga semua orang yang gue sayang selalu mendapatkan kebahagiaan, especially mamah papah (amin)
6. semoga tahun ini benar benar menjadi orang yang lebih baik, soleha, dan dewasa (amin)
7. semoga bangsaku, bangsa INDONESIA, menjadi bangsa yang tidak pernah runtuh (amin)
8. semoga duniaku, BUMI, memaafkan orang2 yang telah merusaknya dan semua orang yang ada di BUMI
menyadari bahwa bumi harus terus dilindungi (amin)
9. semoga gue menemukan orang yang baik untukku, menerimaku apa adanya, bisa membimbingku, dan
tidak akan pernah hilang (amin)
10. semoga aku benar benar menyadari, bahwa aku harus berubah menjadi lebih baik!!!! (amin)
amin amin amin ya robal alamin :' )

terimakasih ya Allah masih mempertemukanku dengan 2010 :') I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING!

Monday, December 28

the last from my heart

aku ga pernah menyalahkan kamu atau aku sendiri tentang kisah kita yg lalu itu. perasaan itu ga bisa dibohongin. aku ikhlas aku pernah sayang sama kamu, walaupun keadaannya ga mendukung. kamu itu penyemangat aku di semarang. mungkin setiap aku ngomong kamu merasa itu salah, tapi kamu ga pernah tau apa yg sebenarnya aku rasain.

kalo masalah sifat itu urusan kamu mau anggap aku seperti apa..

thankyou for everything.

when you love someone - endah ft rhesa ♫ ♪

I love you but it’s not so easy to make you here with me
I wanna touch and hold you forever
But you’re still in my dream
And I can’t stand to wait ‘till nite is coming to my life
But I still have a time to break a silence
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don’t ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true…

I used to hide and watch you from a distance and i knew you realized
I was looking for a time to get closer at least to say… “hello”
And I can’t stand to wait your love is coming to my life
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don’t ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true…

And I never thought that I’m so strong
I stuck on you and wait so long
But when love comes it can’t be wrong
Don’t ever give up just try and try to get what you want
Cause love will find the way….
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don’t ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true…

Saturday, December 12


hey semarang. I hate you so much! hahaha. tapi mau ga mau ya, I love you! (try to loving you)
keliling semarang? hmm it has been done beeeb! wiiw
city light? beach? (not bitch) lawang sewu? gereja beledug? old city? masjid agung? simpang lima? pasar johar? tugu muda? java? CL? DP? bandungan? halah.. tebas semua!!
with my lovely beaty beaty.
oke, next trip : JOGJA with motorcycle! what a crazy plan.
oh satu lagi yang tak boleh terlewatkan, DURIAN at Gunung Pati. gokil.
semarang semarang, I'm going to love you! (Insya Allah).

bahas post sebelumnya

oke, pos sebelum ini emang ga penting banget. gue cuma bisa marah-marah. tapi ya gimana, selain gitu gimana lagi.....gue bingung sumpah..gue gatau harus gimana....gue kangen bgt sama dia..ah cemen dan ga lucu bgt ya gue ngebahas kyk ginian..tapi ya gini deh adanya..
I need you to know, I miss you, I miss you so bad ting. and I know you know it. we should stay on this relationship, surely. I couldn't like this. I'm so tired with all of this broken. I miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

Thursday, November 12

kill somebody

you know I want to kill somebody and throw his remains to the sea. made everyone afraid to fall from moon and no one can change the world, then no couple anymore in the world, including us. we should be more than now babe. I need the truth. you can talk more and give me one hundred promises to make me believe that you love me full but it will be so hard. not only you in my mind, so help me from crazy love in here!

Sunday, November 8

converse <3

the most comfortable foothold!!
I want it pleaseeeeeeeeeee! sepatu lama bgt sih, tapi lagi pengen bgt sumpaaaaaaaaah. janji mau nabung tapi uang abis mulu nih huhu. please mama get it one for me :'(

Thursday, November 5

capeeeek bgt

kuliah tuh capek yaaaaa.
banyak banget tugas. ga dari senior, dosen. aaah pusing bgt.
yang ini belom selesai, udah ada tugas lagi.
yang ngasih juga ga ada yang kira2.
belom deadline yang mepet pet pet pet bangeeet.
kadang ga mood bgt ngerjain tugaaaaas.
pengen pulang ke Jakarta. I ALREADY MISS MY FAMILY YOU KNOOOOW!!!
seandainya ga ada yg begini2.. aaah seharusnya week end kemaren gue bisa ke jogja ketemu orang tua gue. ih kesel deeeeeeh :'(


Tuesday, October 27

ga ngerti

I don't understand.
ga ngerti gue.. cinta lagi cinta lagi. harus nanggung paitnya lagi paitnya lagi. setelah gue liat sifatnya gue inget seseorang. ketakutan itu langsung dateng. langsung ngerangkul gue dan ngomong gini "hayolooooo, ujung2nya sakit nih pasti". beuh, capek aku bos.
pengen deh rasanya bilang ke dia, "apa sih lo, gue gak ngerti, tolong dong kasih penjelasan, gue ada di posisi yang salah, ya lo? lo sih di posisi yang enak-enak aja".
capek ya, perasaan terus yang dimainin. gue kan butuh kepastian, jangan buat gue bingung teruslah.. kayak lo gatau aja, gue emang sayang kali sama looooo. (aw aw aw)
sadar lah nd-t.

mental harus kuat nih. gimanapun nantinya gue harus siap. mau happy ending or not, gue siap. walaupun sedih kalo dipikir-pikir. kenapa harus begini. cuma liat harapan yang ada trus dipandangin sampe gila. padahal kan ini salah. gue tau ini salah, tolol aja gue terlalu berharap. gue ga bisa ngerem perasaan. walaupun gue rem ujung-ujungnya juga bakal sakit. nyontek lirik maliq yaaa, "aku tak ingin terus menunggu sesuatu yang tak pasti, lebih baik kita menangis dan terluka hari ini, coba coba katakan kepadaku sekali lagi bila kita memang benar akan kesana, buktikan dan buat aku percaya bahwa kita bisa, mewujudkan bahagia, aku tak ingin terus terdiam memandangi harapan, terlena akan manis cinta dan berujung kecewa, aku tak ingin terus menunggu sesuatu yang tak pasti, lebih baik kita menangis dan terluka hari ini..". haduuuh ga ngerti deh ujungnya gimana, takut bgt gueeee. gue juga gatau masalahnya yg bener gimana. gue gatau beneran deh huhu. apa gue menjauh aja ya, tapi cemen bgt iiih. ewwww gue kan juga ga bisa jauh-jauh. terlalu indah utuk dikenang.. (hihi)
ya semoga Allah ngasih yang terbaik buat gue.. makasih ya Allah udah ngasih banyak pelajaran. semoga semua ini indah pada waktunya :')

Sunday, October 25

let's make tonight special

I'll give the world to make you mine
'Cause I can't go on without you this time, this time

What are you doing tonight, baby?
Let's make tonight special
All I'm asking for is a little love

I look in your eyes
(and) baby, I see
You are the only one I ever need
Right from the start you were there
In my heart and my soul

'Cause, baby, tonight
We'll make it right
We'll light some candle light
Make it all night
Oh, how I prayed for someone like you
To make me feel like you do

[All (Shane lead):]
I'll give the world to make you mine
'Cause I can't go on without
You this time, this time

[All (Mark lead):]
So let's make tonight special
Something beautiful that
We'll always treasure
Let's make tonight so right
We will make it a night to remember
All of our lives

Baby all of our lives

Baby, tonight
I'll hold you tight
We will be close by the fireside
Baby, I know
That our love will grow
So strong, baby strong

The stars shine so bright
The moon and the sky
Just being here
With you means more than life
(and) since I met you
My heart has been true to you (to you)

[All (Shane lead):]
So let's make tonight special
Something beautiful that
We'll always treasure
Let's make tonight so right
We will make it a night to remember
All of our lives

Now that I've found you I'll never let go
You are my everything I need you so

Loving you baby is all that I know
I'll never break you heart

Please let me show

Please let me show that I...

[All (Shane lead):]
So let's make tonight special (Mark: love you baby)
Something beautiful that
We'll always treasure
So let's make tonight so right
We will make it a night to remember
(Mark: make it a night to remember)
All of our lives

(We will make it a night to remember)
So let's make tonight special
Something beautiful that
We'll always treasure
(Something beautiful that we'll always treasure)
Let's make tonight so right (so right)
We will make it a night to remember
All of our lives

Cos all of our lives

So let's make tonight special
Something beautiful that we'll always treasure
(Something beautiful that we'll always treasure)

by: westlife

really LOVE this song!

Saturday, October 24


refresh- now I have so much fun in Semarang.
couldn't stop laughing in every minute with them.
plano 09' :)

(foto waktu di tugu muda ;)

Monday, October 19


sorry for a late post, I'm busy and I'm stressed out
wish me luck for my exams guys!!!
I hope it may be a good start :)

be good be better and keep spirit!!

Tuesday, September 22

quotes of the day

"Love looks not with your eyes, but with your mind"

Friday, September 11

senior high school times

"i really missing that old days :(
i want to go homeeee
i want to meet them, hugging them, playing with them -the freaky and crazy girls, hanging
out, singing a lot of songs, laughing, and doing stupid things with you all of my girls!!!"


ending of school

so tired of made a year book

played in my room

happy on putih abu abu

the most wanted jacket
new uniform
ervina's birthday sureprise
hang out and gossiping
inul karaoke party room
wisuda-ending story of 3 years
and many more that couldn't be shown
"and now, just wait another time to playing together. thankyou for everything, and you know i always loving you :')"

Friday, August 28

love is blind

(cinta itu buta)
males bgt ga sih baca judulnya. ada yang ga setuju sama "cinta itu buta?"
read this one out!

Noordin M Top tidak pernah berlama-lama dengan sang istri. Begitu identitasnya terlacak, ia kabur tanpa jejak. Namun demikian, para istri akan tetap setia menanti.
"Istrinya tetap nggak mau dicerai juga. Di mata mereka, Noordin adalah pria terbaik," kata pengamat terorisme Al Chaidar saat berbincang lewat telepon, Jumat (28/8/2009) malam.
Arina dan Mufiatun adalah contoh nyata kesetiaan istri Noordin. Langkah ini sepertinya akan ditiru oleh istri Noordin yang baru berusia 19 tahun Lutfi Nutfiati. Lutfi dikabarkan baru dinikahi Noordin setelah penggerebekan Temanggung awal Agustus lalu.
"Noordin adalah lelaki yang baik, di mata mereka Noordin itu paling soleh," jelasnya.
Al Chaidar mengaku, pesona seorang Mujahid-lah yang menyebabkan para istri tersebut terpesona. Bahkan rela menjanda seumur hidupnya.
"Pada awalnya Noordin tidak akan menceritakan identitasnya, tapi walaupun setelah diketahui, para istri akan tetap setia," tutupnya.

info by: detik

"ampun deeeh gue sih jadi istrinya malu semalu2nya!! suami gue buronan, teroris, punya banyak istri, masih aja setia, ada apa dengan perempuan2 ini weeey"

the man who can not sleep

can not sleep on my mind.
hey boy, good day, good times, good year, nice to know you :)
you changed my brain to thinking something right and be defferent.
I don't love you, I don't miss you and I can't remember well your face now.
but it is so hard to forgetting you.
I'd never dream to be yours. you know, never.
although you knew everything, you'll never know the truth.
trust me, nobody knows the truth. including you.
I'm not your secret admirer, because I never call you with private number boy lol.

I just..feel so special, because I ever meet you.
and I want to say, THANKYOU :')
to: the man who standing at jkt

Saturday, August 22

ospek vs home sick

home sick, jadinya males ospeeeeek, I wish I could play with my old friends now :'(

my song of the year
"But I wanna go homeee, I’ve got to go home, Let me go home..I’m just too far, from where you are, I wanna come homeeeeeeee"
And I feel just like I’m living someone else’s life. home-michael buble.

Friday, August 14

i am

"I am not okay"
"and I am missing someone"

Tuesday, August 11

i hate today

this is a very tiring day.
I have to wrapped up all my stuffs.
damn it. i hate it so much.
why? because I have been enjoying my long long long holiday :P
so, I didn't want to end this. lol
oh my god, too difficult to manage all stuffs.
I didn't understand it should start from where.. -__-
then, I get confused!
let's see the result.

I'm not the expert roper. damn damn damn.

I dont know where I should be put this, mom! lol

this has not been complete at all my friends,
but i wanna go to sleep. bye bye

Thursday, August 6

urban planning

what is urban planning?
urban planning is a mixture from science and art.
The simplest definition of urban planning is the organization of all elements of a town or other urban environment. However, when one thinks about all the elements that make up a town, urban planning suddenly seems complicated.

examples city


Nowadays, urban planning takes all aspects of a city into consideration. It includes plans for safety, aesthetics and placement of everything from houses to factories. then, Urban planners must consider how future growth will affect traffic flow and try to eliminate trouble signs before they become a problem.
Urban planners must consider geography too.
so, urban planners who are good at what they do are highly sought after by municipal governments. hmm i wanna be one of that! wish me luck my friends :)

*sorry kalo ada english yg salah^^

Tuesday, July 28

don't give up

have you ever feel desperate, loneliness, hopeless, or just like everyone hates you?
we can feel it coming anytime.
but if you want to more dramatic, haha. (sorry)
check this song,

Tak ada manusia
Yang terlahir sempurna
Jangan kau sesali
Segala yang telah terjadi

Kita pasti pernah
Dapatkan cobaan yang berat
Seakan hidup ini
Tak ada artinya lagi

Reff 1:
Syukuri apa yang ada
Hidup adalah anugerah
Tetap jalani hidup ini
Melakukan yang terbaik

Tak ada manusia
Yang terlahir sempurna
Jangan kau sesali
Segala yang telah terjadi

Back to Reff 1

Reff 2:
Tuhan pasti kan menunjukkan
Kebesaran dan kuasaNya
Bagi hambanya yang sabar
Dan tak kenal Putus asa

d'massive - jangan menyerah

I know you can feel better, sure.

Rian mengaku telah mendapatkan inspirasi ketika menggarap lagu barunya 'Jangan Menyerah'. Lagu tersebut berkisah tentang perjuangan seseorang untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik. 'Jangan Menyerah' itu aku buat hanya 3 menit. Ini terinspirasi waktu kita lagi menghibur anak-anak penderita kanker," ujar Rian ditemui di FX, Senayan, Jakarta Selatan.
info: hot music

banyak tersebar berita d'massive ini band 'plagiat'. dan tersiar kabar juga, lagu 'jangan menyerah' ini nyontek dari lagunya muse. haduuuh, menurut gue ini cuma orang sirik aja yang ga suka sama kesuksesan d'massive. coba lo dengerin deh tuh lagu yg disama2in. beda tauuuuuuuu. gue bukan fans berat d'massive yaaa. tapi gue ga suka sama berita itu, ga setuju lebih tepatnya.
gue akui lagu d'massive bagus2 kooooook guuuys. haha :)
so, enjoooooooy!

Sunday, July 26


so, i stop it. enough enough enough!!
it won't have a result. there is no reason to do more.
the fact that he was not right! grrrrrrrrrrr.
mission must be done. but I scared, really scared. huhu. :'(
stop for walking around the women hey boys are good. hhhhhh

Saturday, July 25


click 7wonders



stupid morning with bhirawa.
pillow faces. sleepy and mess.
haha pagi pagi udah diajak webcam.
ada ada ajaaa

Friday, July 24


david villa
oh, I can not sleep!

Rupert Grint
hhh, I can not breathe!

Edward Speleers
awesome boooooooy!

Steven Gerrard
oh I can loose controool!

kenapa sih mereka 'jago' meluluhkan hati para wanitaaaaaaaa?